So I was dying to drive to New Orleans and take some pictures the day before the beloved Saints defend the Dome against the Minnesota Vikings...

I wanted someone to go with me...I thought about the perfect friend who would be up for almost anything on the spur of the moment...and that friend is Amee! But she's in Utah...and I'm here!

So I went alone, and I found it to be a bit quiet, like how I was feeling. As I approached the Dome, I felt an overwhelming sense of awe, unlike I had ever felt before. I have passed the dome so many times before, but this time was different...and the city knew it. It was the calm before the storm..........

Next I drove over to the Moon Walk and found a beautiful blanket of fog had settled over the French Quarter, enveloping it's reveler's in an omnipresent feeling of peace and clam, a sort of stillness of knowing that we are on the verge of something great!

I languished in it's beauty...

As all were welcome...Saints fans & Vikings fans...

Even the mannequins seemed to stand a little prouder as the displayed the Black & Gold fashion plates...

It was only about 6pm, but tiem seemed to stand still for New Orleans...

Jackson Square was reverent...

and more beautiful than I had ever seen it before...these 2 Saints fans knew it as well

Even though Jackson Square was closed I did not mind...

I was able to get my lens between the gate...

and see it anew...

On the other side of Jackson Square I spyed the corner and took this shot...

and this one too!

I caught this guy coming out of the St. Louis Cathedral, not doubt he just finished praying
to the Saints
for the Saints...!

I wonder if they heard?

Further down into the French Quarter I found theses 2 Saints fans!

And more hung out on the balconies.

These two guys could not contain their excitement, but I think they are Vikings fans, I'm not sure...

So Good Night Sweet Saints, sleep tight! We'll see you on the other side of History!