Our city has coined a new term! "Lombardi-Gras" is the new wordthat refers to our beloved Saints Historic Super Bowl win...and even before they won the super bowl the party had been planned! Win or Lose the Saints were in the Super Bowl and New Orleans was set to show their team a heroe's welcome...BUT WIN THEY DID AND MAN DID WE PARTY!!!

Ingredient's for Lombardi Gras fun:
One Amee...

A great spot on the parade route...We choose St. Charles at Julia...

Old Street Cars carrying people to and away from the city...

and some crazy fans...

The Times Picayune declares "The Boys Are Back In Town"...yeah you right!

The kids each had hand decorated Saints umbrella's...how adorable!

A wave of purple, gold and green reflected off of this tin wall as a "Shockey Heart & Soul" fan passes by...

People stake out their claim to the parade route.

She's ready for some fun!

Even the littlest fans are in the Spirit!

Prancing to their own music...they wanted to show us how to party ...

New Orleans finest in black and blue...

A dancing chicken declares the news... (oh yeah, we have a new mayor too!)

These ladies have great taste!

This lady has her own taste!

Could he be any happier?

This woman had Saints love from her head to her toes...

And this little lady had to show her love too!

ok, just a couple of drunk guys here! LOL

A proud group of Saints fans strut their stuff down St. Charles...

And this guy just wants to make a buck!

There is not end to the creativity of a true Saints fan...

We dat!

I love it! Amazing what a can of gold spray paint can do to one's outfit...

or what a glass of wine can do to one's station...

General Robert E. Lee watches over Lee Circle as revelers march down St. Charles...with the news "Rickey in the Hall of Fame" (check) and "Super Bowl Champs" (check)...

How do you get down St. Charles? Ride a colt!!

A sea of black and gold begins to swell...

A little fan passes the time playing football...

And the tweeners text...

The cops mark the immenent parade...

And the Marine Corps has arrived...

Tom Benson's float...

Drew Bree's float...

The Saint-sations...

Reggie! Reggie! Reggie!

Kicker Hartley rode in a big ladies shoe! LOL

Finally Sean Peyton with the Lombardi trophy...

Good Night New Orleans!

I love you!