Cricket nervously getting ready... Ricky calmly waiting for his bride... Frank and 4 month old Emily begin the procession... Here comes the "kissing stuff"...
Cricket gets a hug from Dad! This precious baby girl was all about "working the lens"...isn't she adorable??? The toast... The ring!!! The cake!!! I thought this was sweet when Cricket frosted Ricky's nose... And the Groom's cake was the best I have ever seen...It was in honor of today not only being Cricket & Ricky's wedding day, but it is also the first day of turkey hunting season here in south Louisiana, and if Ricky had not had a pressing prior engagement, I believe he would have been Cricket had this cake especially for him... (cakes by Theresa Ditmore) p.s. When Cricket's brother complained that she did not "smush" the cake in Ricky's face she chased him with a piece of cake and got him!!
Meet my friend's newest "bundle of Joye" named Legend. He is as precious as he can be. His mommy happily reports that he is an angel, as she cooes over him and calls him "my love", "my angel", "my precious"... I couldn't agree more...